Smittcamp Family Honors College

Established in 1998, the Smittcamp Family Honors College has consistently been recognized as one of the top programs of its kind in the western United States. This highly selective program provides unique learning opportunities for academically accomplished and highly motivated students. Over 90% of scholars come from the four-county areas of Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Madera. After graduation, the majority of our alumni choose to make the Central Valley their home, not only contributing to the overall economic growth of California but addressing and solving issues specific to our Valley communities.

Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment  

The Smittcamp Family Honors College, which was established with a generous gift from the late Earl and Muriel Smittcamp, is a highly selective program that provides unique learning opportunities for academically accomplished and highly motivated students. We are extremely thankful for the continued investments made by the Smittcamp family. However, additional private support will be necessary to keep pace with the rising costs of tuition and housing. Your donation will directly support the President's Honors Scholarships.

Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund  

The Smittcamp Family Honors College directly impacts social mobility and economic vitality in the Central Valley. Bright young scholars who might otherwise attend universities outside of the area are attracted to the unique opportunities offered by the Honors College. The Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund provides essential support to address the unmet needs of students, including research and travel funding, technological support, and other educationally related expenses.

Click the (SFHC) Immediate Needs button below to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College.

See what people are sharing about Day Of Giving 2025!
First Gift!
The participating area that receives the first gift through the site and posted on the donor wall will receive the bonus money.
Ashley Jacobson - SFHC Alumni Endowment Matching Challenge
Ashley Jacobson will match all gifts to Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment up to $500.
Samine Ravanbakhsh - SFHC Student Success Fund Challenge
Every 10 gifts to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund will unlock $250 up to $1,000.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
Grateful Smitty Parent Challenge
Every 10 gifts to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund will unlock $200 for the fund, up to $2,000.
10 Gift Goal
Starts in
The Semiatin Family invites you to support SFHC Alumni Endowment
The Semiatin Family has generously donated $500 to inspire others to give to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment.
Leonid Vydro invites you to support SFHC Student Success Fund
Leonid Vydro has generously donated $1,000 to inspire others to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund.
Chris and Rebecca Marklund invites you to support SFHC Student Success Fund.
Chris and Rebecca Marklund have generously donated $500 to inspire others to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund.
Lanei and Adine Rodemeyer invite you to support the SFHC Alumni Endowment.
Lanei and Adine Rodemeyer have generously donated $1,000 to inspire others to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment.
Nick and Theresa Blanchard invite you to support the SFHC Alumni Endowment
Nick and Theresa Blanchard have generously donated $500 to inspire others to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment.
Michael Ruiz invites you to support the SFHC Alumni Endowment.
Michael Ruiz has generously donated $1,500 to inspire others to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment.
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