Your donation will enable the Henry Madden Library to support Fresno State's 25,000+ students and faculty as they navigate the world of virtual learning through the Library's online services. They include 24/7 chat, email, Zoom and phone consultations with librarians, student-focused webinars and virtual programming, digitization of materials, and an ever-growing collection of e-resources to support research and inquiry without having to come into the building.
Your donation will help the Library grow into a hub of innovative technology, allowing Fresno State to be a catalyst for change in the Central Valley by providing students with expanded AR/VR resources, data science capabilities, early access to emerging technologies, and more. These resources will support faculty research and help prepare students for the technology-driven workforce and world - no matter their major.
As the Henry Madden Library faces budgetary challenges, your donation to the Dean's Discretionary Fund will allow the Dean to fund expenses to ensure that the Library remains the academic pride of the Central Valley. The fund supports a variety of unique collections, virtual events and workshops for students, and special initiatives benefiting students, faculty, and community alike.
Click on the button below to support the Henry Madden Library.