Missed Fresno State Day of Giving? You can still be a champion of student success!

Smittcamp Family Honors College

Since 1911, the University has grown to impact every facet of our region. Established in 1998, the Smittcamp Family Honors College has consistently been recognized as one of the top programs of its kind in the western United States. This highly selective program provides unique learning opportunities for academically accomplished and highly motivated students. Over 90% of scholars come from the four-county areas of Fresno, Tulare, Kings, and Madera. After graduation, the majority of our alumni choose to make the Central Valley their home, not only contributing to the overall economic growth of California but addressing and solving issues specific to our Valley communities.

Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment

Your donation will support 200 annual President's Honors Scholarship awards which will cover educational expenses and help ensure that the honors college will continue to attract the best and brightest young minds in the Central Valley and beyond.

Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund  

The Smittcamp Family Honors College directly impacts social mobility and economic vitality in the Central Valley. Bright young scholars who might otherwise attend universities outside of the area are attracted to the unique opportunities offered by the Honors College. The Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund provides essential support to address unmet needs of students, including research and travel funding, technological support and other educationally-related expenses. 

Click on the button below to support the Smittcamp Family Honors College.

Day of Giving Leaderboard
Here is the real-time status of each participating area's efforts! Thank you to everyone for making this day a success!
Rank Department Donors
1 Athletics 400
2 College of Arts and Humanities 320
3 Fresno State Alumni Association 172
4 Craig School of Business 153
5 Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology 126
Ashley Jacobsen's Matching Challenge for the Smittcamp Family Honors Alumni Endowment
Ashley Jacobsen will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors Alumni Endowment, dollar for dollar, up to $500.
8:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. Social Media: Future Bulldogs
Congratulations to Taylan Parker (fund choice: The Richter Center) and Vi Nguyen (fund choice: FresnoState Tech/FresnoState DX) who were randomly selected to win the Social Media: Future Bulldogs Day of Giving Challenge!
Chris and Rebecca Marklund - SFHC Alumni Endowment Matching Challenge
Chris and Rebecca Marklund will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment, dollar for dollar, up to $500.
6:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Social Media - Throwback Thursday!
Congratulations to Kendall Rasmussen and The Richter Center, and Tony Mertens and the Lyles College of Engineering, the winners of the Throwback Thursday social media challenge!
Tristan and Jessica Bufete invite you to support the SFHC Alumni Endowment
Tristan and Jessica Bufete have generously donated $500 to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment to inspire alumni and community to support this program.
Chris McComb invites you to support the SFHC Student Success Fund
Chris McComb has made a generous donation of $1,000 to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund to inspire others to give to this program.
Leonid Vydro - SFHC Student Success Fund Challenge
Every 10 gifts to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund will unlock $250 from Leonid Vydro, up to $1,000.
Smittcamp Family Honors College - Student Success Fund Matching Challenge
An anonymous donor will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund, dollar for dollar, up to $1,000.
5:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Early Bird Challenge!
Congrats to our Early Bird Challenges: First Place - College of Arts and Humanities Second Place - Fresno State Alumni Association Third Place - Jordan College and the College of Science and Mathematics
The Lindahl Family's Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund Matching Challenge
The Lindahl Family will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund dollar for dollar, up to $1,000.
$1,000 MATCHED
2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Social Media: Share your Fresno State Pets
Congratulations to Chele and the Hub of Digital Transformation and Innovation for winning the social media - share your pets challenge.
9:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. Social Media: Midnight Madness!
Congratulations to Esuri Peiris for Fresno State Tech/DX, Tanya Pacheco-Werner for CHHS Student Success Fund, Varaxy Yi for Kremen's Equity Student Scholars Initiative and Amarprit Dhillon for Fresno State Mock Trial!
Last Gift!
Congratulations to the College of Science and Mathematics for receiving the last gift!
Ian Wieland invites you to support the SFHC Student Success Fund
Ian Wieland has made a generous donation of $1,000 to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Student Success Fund to inspire alumni and community to support this program.
Tommy and Shelby Fredrickson invite you to support the SFHC Student Success Fund
Tommy and Shelby Fredrickson have generously donated $1,000 to the Smittcamp Family Honors College (SFHC) Student Success Fund to inspire alumni and community members to support this program.
Julianne Bettencourt - SFHC Alumni Endowment Matching Challenge
Julianne Bettencourt will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment, dollar for dollar, up to $500.
Nick and Theresa Blanchard - SFHC Alumni Endowment Matching Challenge
Nick and Theresa Blanchard will match every gift to the Smittcamp Family Honors College Alumni Endowment, dollar for dollar, up to $500.
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