The Health Career Opportunity Program (HCOP) is dedicated to serving students from economically- and/or educationally-disadvantaged backgrounds that have an interest in pursuing a career in the health and allied health professions. Graduates of this program attend prestigious health professional schools and come back to serve in the Valley. By supporting this program, you’re helping students on their journey towards health careers, thereby increasing the number and diversity of health care professionals in the Valley.
Investment in first-year lab renovations will ensure every student studying a science discipline participates in hands-on research in their academic studies. This effort is to ensure that our teaching laboratories are designed to facilitate these research projects, incorporating the latest technology and creating innovative spaces that promote collaboration among students and instructors. By supporting this program, you partner with us in building a stronger STEM workforce that will tackle the scientific and technical problems facing our communities.
Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) embeds the research experience into the curriculum to effectively train, increase and retain the number of STEM majors. In CURE’s courses, faculty and students select an important research question or real world problem, and student teams investigate these as an integral part of their course. By supporting this program, you provide authentic research experiences to a large number of first-year students, provide travel funds for students to present results at regional and national meetings, and provide materials and supplies needed for courses.
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