The California Water Institute at Fresno State is located in the heart of the San Joaquin Valley, which is home to approximate 4.2 million residents; several rare, threatened, and endangered species; and the most productive agricultural region in the world. Water is essential to the social, economic, and environmental survival of the San Joaquin Valley, and the California Water Institute is uniquely positioned to collaborate with public and private organizations to create and implement a shared-vision for water resources management that supports economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, climate-change adaptability, and social equity.
Your donation to the California Water Institute at Fresno State will sponsor water-related community outreach, education, and training workshops and symposia; student internships focused on community water and sustainability issues; and faculty research to support community decision-making for water-related infrastructure projects; water management programs; system operating practices; and regulatory policies. Please donate to the California Water Institute to foster a new spirit of collaboration for water resources management in the San Joaquin Valley.