Questions and Answers

Below you will find answers to many common questions about 2017 Day of Giving.

What is Giving Day?

Giving Day is a one-day online fundraising event on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2017 from midnight to midnight. We encourage all members of the Fresno State community to participate, including students, parents, staff, faculty, alumni, friends and community leaders. The goal is to have as many participants as possible come together to raise financial support for student success.

How do I participate in Day of Giving?

It's simple! Give online at and spread the word to family and friends. Make a gift to a specific school/college, or whichever program that resonates with you. Then encourage others to feed the dog by making a gift of support! The more people who participate, the greater the funds raised to strengthen the programs you care about. The beauty of digital fundraising is your message can be sent to anyone, anywhere.

Why should I participate?

This campaign enables Fresno State to succeed in its mission to boldly educate and empower students for success. Your gift, no matter how big or small, makes a transformative impact on the next generation of leaders.

Is there a minimum gift amount?

Fresno State's Day of Giving accepts gifts of $10 or more.

Is my Day of Giving contribution tax-deductible?

Absolutely. Your gift is 100% tax-deductible. You will receive an email confirmation that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. Please consult your tax adviser.

Where should I give?

Give to whichever fund you choose! If you aren’t sure of a specific area to support, click on Fresno State Central Funds and give to the Fresno State Annual Fund, which provides for the highest priorities on campus. Or, you may support specific departments/programs within schools and colleges by clicking on 'Other' and describing the area you would like to support. Please be as specific as possible to ensure your gift is designated to the area desired.

What are the leaderboards?

Schools and programs across campus will be competing for a portion of a $75,000 challenge. As donors make gifts online, their participation is displayed in real-time on the Day of Giving website and adds to the total number of donors for that school/program. Every school/college and unit is competing against each other to get as many donors as possible to support their program. The more supporters each area receives, the greater the percentage of challenge funds they will receive at the end of the day.

How can I spread the word about Fresno State's Day of Giving?

Please use the hashtag #FresnoStateDOG on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and encourage others to "Feed the D.O.G." Be sure to check out Fresno State's social media feeds and share posts throughout the day.

Need help?

Please contact Jennifer Mariucci, Associate Director of Digital Fundraising, at 559.278.8493 or

For media inquiries, please contact Tom Uribes, University Communications, at 559.278.2795 or

Is my Day of Giving contribution tax-deductible?

Absolutely. Your gift is 100% tax-deductible. You will receive an email confirmation that will serve as your receipt for tax purposes. Please consult your tax adviser.

Is there a minimum gift amount?

Fresno State's Day of Giving accepts gifts of $10 or more.

Where should I give?

Give to whichever fund you choose! If you aren't sure of a specific area to give, the Fresno State Annual Fund provides for the highest priorities on campus. Or, you may support specific departments within schools/colleges by selecting 'Other' and typing in the program of your choice. Descriptions should be very specific to help gift processing.

Who can I contact for help?

Please contact Jennifer Mariucci, Associate Director of Digital Fundraising and Regional Engagement, at 559.278.8493 or

For media inquiries, please contact Tom Uribes, University Communications, at 559.278.2795 or

Still have questions?

Contact us at