College of Science and Mathematics

Science Outreach Programs

Supporting science outreach provides critical training for future science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) teachers and inspires K-12 students. Through these programs, Fresno State students give K-12 students creative, hands-on demonstrations and collaborate with K-12 teachers in order to effectively educate the next generation of scientists.


Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs)

Research experience is critical for the effective training of STEM students. That’s why your gift will help transform laboratory courses into scalable research experiences, where students can begin finding solutions to problems affecting society. This ensures every student is exposed to high-impact research before they graduate — readying them to take on the world’s major challenges.


Health Career Opportunity Program

HCOP is dedicated to serving students from economically- and/or educationally-disadvantaged backgrounds that have an interest in pursuing a career in the health and allied health professions. Graduates of this program attend prestigious health professional schools and come back to serve in the Valley. By supporting this program, you’re helping students on their journey towards health careers, thereby increasing the number and diversity of health care professionals in the Valley.


Day of Giving Leaderboard
Here is the real-time status of each area's efforts! Keep checking in throughout the day to see which areas are competing for the top!
Rank School, College or Area Gifts
1 College of Arts and Humanities 511
2 Fresno State Central Funds 461
3 Athletics 251
4 Kremen School of Education and Human Development 202
5 Alumni Association 168
First Gift!
Congratulations to the Smittcamp Family Honors College for receiving the first gift on Day of Giving! Thank you Adam Miller!
Gift from the Furthest Distance Away
Congratulations to the Smittcamp Family Honors College! They received the furthest gift - all the way from Tanzania! Thank you Brandon Sepulveda for your participation from across the globe.
Ambassador Challenge
Congratulations to Athletics and Eric Loveland for recruiting the most donors for the day!!
Last Gift!
After reviewing the final transaction report, congratulations to Athletics and Eddie Hughes for receiving the actual final gift through the site!
Donor Participation Power Hour (8-9am)
Congratulations to Athletics for receiving the most unique donors from 8-9am. Go 'Dogs!
Alumni Participation Power Hour (10-11am)
Congratulations to the College of Arts and Humanities for receiving the most alumni donors between 10-11am!
Donor Participation Power Hour (7-8pm)
This challenge was close...! Congratulations to the College of Arts and Humanities! They received the most unique donors from 7-8pm.
Alumni Participation Power Hour (4-5pm)
The Smittcamp Family Honors College received the most unique alumni donors from 4-5pm!
Donor Participation Power Hour (2-3pm)
Congratulations to the College of Arts and Humanities! They received the most unique donors during 2-3pm.
Social media challenge (7-8am): Comment on your favorite School/College/Program!
Congratulations to the Smittcamp Family Honors College for having the most comments on social media from 7-8am!
Social Media Challenge (9-10am): Why is it important to "Feed the Dog"?
Congratulations to the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement for winning the 9am social media challenge!
Social Media Challenge (11am-1pm): Show your Fresno State pride!
And the winner is.... The College of Arts and Humanities! Congratulations for winning the 11-1pm social media selfie challenge.
Social Media Challenge (1-2pm): What year did you graduate?
Congratulations to the Jan and Bud Richter Center for Community Engagement for winning the 1-2pm social media challenge!
Social Media Challenge (3-4pm): Your Favorite Fresno State Memory
Congratulations to the College of Social Sciences! They received the most comments on social media from 3-4pm.
Social Media Challenge (6-7pm): Fleming's Fresno State Pride Selfie Challenge!
Congratulations to the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management on winning the 6-7pm selfie challenge!
Dr. Christopher Meyer, Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics - Faculty and Staff Challenge
Dean Christopher Meyer will give $250, up to $1,000, for every 15 donations received from faculty and staff of the College of Science and Mathematics.
60 / 60 Gifts
The "Dog Father" Challenge generously supported by John and Lollie Horstmann
11am-1pm - If Victor E. Bulldog is tagged in 10 selfies during this challenge the "Dog Father", John Horstmann will donate $1,000 to support Fresno State's furry mascot.
Dr. Christopher Bencomo - Health Careers Opportunity Program (HCOP) Challenge
Dr. Bencomo, an alumnus of Fresno State's HCOP Program will donate $1,000 when we receive 40 donors to the College of Science and Mathematics HCOP Program.
10 / 10 Gifts
Alumni Selfie Challenge from Scott Miller and Natalie Clark, with Gazebo Gardens
Congratulations to the Division of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management for winning the 6-7pm social media challenge!
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