Missed Fresno State Day of Giving? You can still be a champion of student success!

College of Health and Human Services

Mobile Health Unit

The mobile unit travels across the San Joaquin Valley twice a week, stopping at rural and underserved communities to provide free screenings and health education to those who cannot afford or easily access care. The mobile program engages students and faculty across campus and provides hands-on learning experiences in real-world settings. Since it first rolled out in fall 2015, the mobile health unit has served over 16,000 clients and provided more than 3,500 Fresno State students with invaluable clinical and service-learning opportunities and this year administered over 8,000 COVID vaccines. Your gift will help the College of Health and Human Services continue this important program which is 100% funded by community support.

General Scholarships

86% of Fresno State College of Health and Human Services students are from the Central Valley and are first-generation college students. For many of them, financial aid and scholarships are essential to completing their college degree. Last year, almost 200 scholarships were awarded to the College of Health and Human Services students, empowering students to engage more deeply in their academic aspirations and prepare for their careers. Invest in the future health and human service leaders by giving to this fund today!

Student Success Fund

Our Student Success fund supports important college initiatives like student stipends, advising, research and projects. Last year, Day of Giving funds paid for necessary COVID testing so students could participate in degree critical internships and clinical placements. This year, your gift will support the immediate needs of the College of Health and Human Services students. By giving to this fund, you will directly contribute to the academic success of our students.

Click on a button below to support the area you choose.

See what people are sharing about Day of Giving 2021!
Day of Giving Leaderboard
Here is the real-time status of each participating area's efforts! Thank you to everyone for making this day a success!
Rank Department Gifts
1 College of Arts and Humanities 420
2 Fresno State Alumni Association 301
3 Athletics 226
4 Craig School of Business 197
5 College of Health and Human Services 162
5:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. Early Bird Challenge!
Congratulations to the following Early Bird Challenge winners! $250 will be donated to the last fund they supported. 1. Jafar Ravanbakhsh - Smittcamp Family Honors College 2. Stephanie Hatayama - Athletics 3. Annette Levi - JCAST 4. Nan Barker - KSOEHD
Bill & Phyllis Bettencourt's CHHS Student Success Fund Challenge
30 gifts to the CHHS Student Success Fund will unlock $5,000 from Bill & Phyllis Bettencourt.
30 / 30 Gifts
8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Social Media: Instagram Sweepstakes
Congratulations to the following areas and programs who won the Social Media: Instagram Sweepstakes Challenge! - Biology Department - College Assistance Migrant Program - Technology Services - Women's Soccer
2:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. Donor Participation Challenge
Congratulations to the College of Arts and Humanities for winning the Donor Participation Challenge!
3:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. Social Media: Share your Advice Challenge
Congratulations to the following areas for winning the Social Media: Share you Advice Challenge: - Craig School of Business (x2) - Department of Media, Communications and Journalism - Hub of Digital Transformation and Innovation
Last Gift!
Congratulations to Technology Services for receiving the last gift!
First Gift!
Congratulations to Technology Services - Digital Transformation and Innovation Hub for receiving the first gift!
7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. Alumni Participation Challenge
Congratulations to the College of Arts and Humanities for receiving the most alumni donors during 7:00a.m. - 9:00a.m. This participating area will receive $1,000 bonus money.
8:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. Social Media: Twitter Sweepstakes
Congratulations to the following programs and areas for winning the Social Media: Twitter Sweepstakes challenge! Digital Transformation and Innovation Hub (x2) Department of Media, Communications and Journalism College of Science and Mathematics
9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. Social Media: Favorite Memory Challenge
Congratulations to the following areas for winning the Social Media: Favorite Memory Challenge: - Craig School of Business (x2) - Richter Center - College of Arts and Humanities
4:00p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Faculty/Staff Participation Challenge
Congratulations to the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, Fresno State Alumni Association (Victor E. Bulldog), the College of Arts and Humanities and the Richter Center!
Paul and Anne Ogden's Silent Garden Directorship Fund Matching Challenge
Paul and Anne Ogden will match every gift to the Silent Garden Directorship Fund, dollar for dollar, up to $5,000.
$5,000 MATCHED
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